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Advanced Usage

On this page, we will cover some advanced usage of the Caerius.NET library.

Table-Valued Parameters

Table-Valued Parameters (TVP) are a powerful feature of SQL Server added in version 2008. They allow you to pass a table as a parameter to a stored procedure.

This possibility was added by ADO.NET in version 4.5, and Caerius.NET supports it.

This was possible with the DataTable object, but it was not very convenient.


The main profit of using TVP is to send a HEAVY set of data to the database in one call, like a big list of (Ids, Guid, ...), instead of sending each row one by one.

How to use TVP

To use TVP with Caerius.NET, you need to create on your database a new type of table, like this:

    Id int NOT NULL

Then, you can use this type in your stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids
    @Ids dbo.tvp_int READONLY
    SELECT Id, Username, Points
    FROM dbo.Users
    WHERE Id 
        IN (SELECT Id FROM @Ids)

And finally, in your C# code, you need to do two things:

  1. Create a class that will represent the TVP type:
  2. Use the StoredProcedureParametersBuilder to create the parameters for the stored procedure.

Here is an example:

namespace TestProject.Models.Tvps;

public sealed record UsersIdsTvp(int Id)
    : ITvpMapper<UsersIdsTvp>
    public DataTable MapToDataTable(IEnumerable<UsersIdsTvp> items)
        var dataTable = new DataTable("dbo.tvp_int");
        dataTable.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));

        foreach (var tvp in items) dataTable.Rows.Add(tvp.Id);

        return dataTable;
using CaeriusNET.Models.Tvps;

namespace TestProject.Services;

public sealed record UserService(IUserRepository UserRepository)
    : IUserService
    private readonly Random _random = new();

    public async Task<IEnumerable<UserDto>> GetUsersByTvpIds(IEnumerable<UserDto> users)
        var usersToGet = users
            .Select(u => new UsersIdsTvp(u.Id))
        var users = await CustomUsersRepository.GetUsersByTvpIds(usersToGet);
        return users;
using CaeriusNET.Models.Tvps;

namespace TestProject.Repositories;

public sealed record UserRepository(ICaeriusDbContext DbContext)
    : IUserRepository
    public async Task<IEnumerable<UserDto>> GetUsersByTvpIds(IEnumerable<UsersIdsTvp> users)
        var parameters = new StoredProcedureParametersBuilder("dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids", 4242);
            .AddTableValuedParameter("Ids", "dbo.tvp_int", users)

        var users = await DbContext.QueryAsync<UserDto>("dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids", parameters);
        return users;

Multiples parameters

Sometimes you need to use Stored Procedures parameters and TVP in the same call.

To do this, you can use the .AddStoredProcedureParameter() with .AddTableValuedParameter() method of the StoredProcedureParametersBuilder class.

Here is an example:

using CaeriusNET.Models.Tvps;

namespace TestProject.Repositories;

public sealed record UserRepository(ICaeriusDbContext DbContext)
    : IUserRepository
    public async Task<IEnumerable<UserDto>> GetUsersByTvpIdsAndAge(IEnumerable<UsersIdsTvp> users, int age)
        var parameters = new StoredProcedureParametersBuilder("dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids_And_Age", 4242)
            .AddTableValuedParameter("Ids", "dbo.tvp_int", users)
            .AddStoredProcedureParameter("Age", age, SqlDbType.Int)

        var users = await DbContext.FirstQueryAsync<UserDto>("dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids_And_Age", parameters);
        return users;
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_GetUsers_By_Tvp_Ids_And_Age
    @Ids dbo.tvp_int READONLY,
    @Age int
    SELECT Id, Username, Points
    FROM dbo.Users
    WHERE Id 
        IN (SELECT Id FROM @Ids)
    AND Age = @Age


In this page, we covered the advanced usage of the Caerius.NET library. We learned how to use Table-Valued Parameters and how to use them with other parameters in the same call.

Caerius.NET is a project by Johan (AriusII) Coureuil